Greasemonkey ,I don't know where you will find the exact air-fuel ratios to put in every box on the pc-5. Kraven which is richer 14-1 or 12-1 ?? On my wideband o-2 sensors I have been running on my 07-700,08-800,09-800 the numbers that I have seen are roughly 13.8-1 at idle and above 12.9-1 in the midrange and 12-1 above 7000. Theser are rough numbers not gospel. I also have EGTs on these sleds and mostly tune with them because I know that 1250 or higher for an extended period of time is piston failure.I also use an LCD display hooked up to my pc-3s that tells throttle position so if I am at 6300 rpm egts read 1300, throttle position is 14 percent I can go back and enter plus numbers in my pc3 at 10 percent throttle positions. If I thought for one fleeting second that I could just input one or 2 air-fuel ratios all over the board on a new pc5 and make it work I would own 3 pc-5 autotune setups as fast as I could get them. Money is not the holdback, but accurate tuning with this method still escapes me. To you guys that own the pc-5 autotune I would leave the numbers at idle and midrange alone and run 12-1 at 80 and 10 percent throttle positions.Then check your plugs at high rpms and read piston domes ,if all looks good maybe lean down to 12.3-1 or 12.5-1. Remember 15-1 is lean 11-1 is rich .I have found the 800 likes 12-1 at 7750 and above,also your greatest source for Air-Fuel numbers is from a dyno. Get these from Jim or SLP and use these as a baseline and tune from there.Once you estsablish good numbers in the correct throttle positions you hold the key to sucess. I am just passing along what I have learned from my real world Experience and wish you all the best. I just want people to know what they are buying and what it is capable of before you spend money. I have wasted money on things that don't work. This info is from my experience as I don't just make phonecalls and become a keyboard tuner spilling out incorrect data. Pm me with Questions if I can help.