With the Nytro XTX annouced, the MTX is getting completely passed over for a year. XTX claimed weights cover only the shorter track so I highly doubt any weight loss for the MTX, and they're still advertising the engine at 130hp so no engine changes either. Looks like new stickers and maybe a track because of the complaints.
Since they didn't announce a 162" track for the Nytro, the Apex will surely be around and probably receive the bulk of R&D love for the year. Thinking a higher compression engine in 160 165 hp range. Yamaha needs a solid reason for more Apex' sales and a stock 165hp engine will do that. Plus, the higher compression won't hurt the turbo guys because they're gonna mod the later model sleds to save the money.
Since they didn't announce a 162" track for the Nytro, the Apex will surely be around and probably receive the bulk of R&D love for the year. Thinking a higher compression engine in 160 165 hp range. Yamaha needs a solid reason for more Apex' sales and a stock 165hp engine will do that. Plus, the higher compression won't hurt the turbo guys because they're gonna mod the later model sleds to save the money.