I'm in the same boat
I've been on the fence for a while about M8 vs D8
If I haven't heard such bad things about the handling of the XP and the terrible reliability last year I would definitely consider the XP. The Blue and White X model looks sweet. I like the lightweight and high hp but everyone is saying they handle like a tank. Also, lack of fuel injection is a bummer.
I also don't understand why mountain sleds come with a sway bar? I would like to compare the D8 and XP with no sway bar and proper shock setup.
I've ridden an 07 700 Dragon for a whole day and really liked it. Similar to the M but was a little bit tougher to keep it layed over compared to the M. I would definitely like to see what its like with no sway bar and a good front shock setup.
I loved my 06 M7. Just a blast to ride and throw around.
This is why I'm leaning towards the M8, but I could be swayed to a Dragon. The Dragon has more snap but the handling is maybe a shade behind.
+ Good running motor
+ Lightest
- Poor handling
- Questionable reliability
+ Strongest motor
+ Good handling
+ Good suspension
- Heaviest
+ Light
+ Top notch motor reliability and good overall reliability
+ Excellent handling
- Least hp
09 might be the tighest year yet for the 800 class
You really can't go wrong as long as the reliability of the XP doesn't repeat last year's model
What we really need is an M8 chassis that weighs as much as an XP and has the Dragon motor