Try this test, its easy
Step 11 is where it usually would fail for a mag solenoid leak problem.
Here is a summary of Shop Manual instructions to test the RAVE system:
1. Remove the intake air box.
2. Remove the plastic RAVE valve covers (two screws each).
3. There should be no oil anywhere inside. If oil � bad seals.
4. Ensure valve piston is in the �partially-open� position, (photo shows piston top approximately flush with rim of casting).
5. Start engine and let it idle.
6. Validate piston is sucked down into the closed position and remains there, (photo shows piston top approximately 1/8� below rim of casting, and you can easily watch it move down).
7. Pull the wire bail of the PTO-side (left) RAVE solenoid and disconnect the electrical connector.
8. Ensure valve piston returns to the �partially-open� position, and remains there (photo shows piston top approximately flush with rim of casting).
9. Reconnect the PTO-side (left) RAVE solenoid electrical connector (don�t forget the wire bail).
10. Pull the wire bail of the Mag-side (right) RAVE solenoid and disconnect the electrical connector.
11. Ensure valve piston moves to the �fully-open� position, and remains there (photo shows piston top approximately �� above the top of the casting).
12. Reconnect the mag-side RAVE solenoid electrical connector (don�t forget the wire bail).