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2007 m8 turbo kit on a 2010 m8?

I have an 07 m8 with push turbo.
I have a 2010 m8 stock
I'm going to sell the 07 and was curious what turbo parts would not fit if I wanted to schwap.

Specifically worried about airbox fittment with the new motor and controller working on the newer motor.

Also curious about the effects of using the old 07 pipe on the 2010 motor. Seems like midrange could be gained?
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I have a 2007 m8 that I put a push turbo from a 2010 m8 onto, it came with a pcv fuel controller so I didn't use the stock controller but the pcv just pluged right in. Seems like I did the exact opposite then you, I'm running a 2010 pipe on my 07 and everything works just fine.

I know a while back I ran a boondocker box (before the turbo) from a 2010 or 11 and I just needed to switch the pins around in the clip that goes into the injectors.

If for some reason your box doesn't work I have a stock push box from a 2010 that I would sell cheap if needed.
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