Since you stated that you are a beginner, don't change anything unless it needs fixing. If it runs good now and you are not burning up your pistons, then there is no reason to put an ATACC on it, no reason to change clutch weights, no reason to change anything. Twin pipes are so touchy that a beginner would take quite a while to get them running right. If you can get a stock pipe, can, and y-pipe real cheap, AND it is not running right, AND you are not hooked on some macho HP trip, then you could go back to stock pipes and jetting. ATACC are for people that climb mountains and they go bad in 2 or 3 years. Changing weights and springs is for an expert. The air box probably already has the SLP high air intake kit if it has twin pipes. Find out from the previous owner, what elevation range that the sled was jetted for when he sold it to you. Then check you plugs for turning a line tan, which means that they are too lean. You are most likely to burn the pistons at the lower altitudes, not the higher altitudes. If the sled has over 2000 miles on it, then it is time to change out the rear bogie wheel bearings. It is also important to fix tunnel cracks under the foot wells and behind the black side rear trim pieces. How many miles does the sled have?