Man the 03 must be stiffer and different than the 04 or newer cause this actually the complete oposite of any boondocking set up I have heard or read before, stiffer doesn`t seem to be easier to pull over any sled I have been on that has been cranked up or has a stiff front end you can hardly even get them to tip over with out Yanking!! on the bars , but a softer front end the sled leans over its self as the side you are leaning towards the suspension compresses and tips easier, Maybe I`m wrong but the feel of what my sled was stock to how it is now is a complete difference.
when I softened up the front shocks on my older S chassis 670 Summit X and removed the swaybar and loosened the limiter strap up enough not to make it push on the throttle in the corners and would turn at slow speed turn arounds it performed really well and sidehilled and layed over much better than stock. actually the limiter strap and no swaybar was the most noticeable differences
Good Luck, Wildcard