Well, I put 6K miles on a 2000 550 Sport Tourer (same thing with a different rear skid and track and carburation - the RMK version may have an altitude compensation unit) with no problems. This will be a good sled for you to hone your skills. I have found through the years that one always needs a fan cooled rig around for towing and all. This sled was also the sled of choice for my son.
Take a good ownership role with the sled, get smart on all the moving parts and how they work, appreciate the maintenance required, keep the clutches clean and everything well lubed, do not modify the motor or exhaust/intake system, and most important of all, remember you are on a 55hp sled (do not try to make it a 600cc liquid - ain't going to happen). Do all that and you will have a trusty mount.
Other than that, drive it well, drive it smart. Throttle on.