If you break those wheels I will be very impressed, I did a Finite Element Analysis on AutoDesk Inventor, and the plastic wheels are amazingly strong....up to 10 times stronger than most over-sized aluminum aftermarket bling type wheels, using my testing parameters.
For so long we have been making two wheel kits for three and four wheel OEM configurations, why would you want to "de-invent the wheel" so to speak.
I would think if you break a wheel, you will have broken an axle AND bent rails by then.....
Maybe do the same thing on the SlyDogs. I have a hunch you'll see why the other dude had failures with his. Need all three F's to be successful.
Now, OTOH, if I bring a spare a-arm, spare wheel and axle, spare VR, spare belt, extra fuel, tool box, avy kit, gps, SPOT, sat phone, backpack with overnite supplies, a coupla hot pockets, a paddle ball game, this chair, and this thermos, do I have all I need for a day's fun on the hill??????