Since I have been a 4 stroke guy for a few years now, I am not very familiar with what is going on with the 2 stroke sleds. My adult son still likes the 2 strokes and was able to ride a stock '09 Cat M8 HCR when he was in Montana a week ago. He loved it. He is coming off a very modded '02 Mtn Max and is ready to buy a new sled. He has decided between a Cat M8 or a Dragon 8. For some reason, he is not considering the Doo's. He has asked my thoughts and I have no idea, so am asking you guys for some real, honest advice/evaluations. I have heard that reliability is a factor on both, don't know if it is true. His MM has been very reliable and he has it down significantly in weight as he likes to carve, sidehill, technical boondocking and some moderate jumps/drops. Doesn't do any big air or any big, steep climbs. He would be interested in more HP, either a turbo or?? It appears that there are some good Cat and Poo guys around for servicing, etc, so he should be good either way in that regard. Thanks for the input.