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2.25" in '02 summit??

Can I put in a 2.25" track with the stock drivers on the '02 that I have?

I am looking for a 16" x 151" and most of them that I see are 2.25" tall.

Don't have the sled out of the storage unit so can't get at it to check.


Late '02 build

I believe it to be a late build, it has the splined secondary, like the '03's. My bro has an '02 X (early build?) and it has a keyed secondary. It also has the wide running boards. My understanding is that the 02-03's have the slight D&R like you mention vs. the '01's???
Outta Storage

I couldn't stand it anymore, I went to the storage facility and investigated the possibility of putting in the 2.25.

I can barely get the first joint on my index finger (3/8" - 1/2") between the bulkhead and the paddles with the stock track and stock drivers. That being said, I could probably run the 2.25 but it would have minimal clearence.... just need to rationalize how much room is actually needed for snow evacuation.

I am not sure how ChicksDigDoos was able to run the 2.5, there is nnnooo way I could fit that in this machine. If it is not rubbing it has to be dang close.
I couldn't stand it anymore, I went to the storage facility and investigated the possibility of putting in the 2.25.

I can barely get the first joint on my index finger (3/8" - 1/2") between the bulkhead and the paddles with the stock track and stock drivers. That being said, I could probably run the 2.25 but it would have minimal clearence.... just need to rationalize how much room is actually needed for snow evacuation.

I am not sure how ChicksDigDoos was able to run the 2.5, there is nnnooo way I could fit that in this machine. If it is not rubbing it has to be dang close.

theres a cooler at the front of the tunnel you half to take out it dose fit
i put a 2.5 on a '01 zx:D ... but i had to go to the smaller diameter 7 tooth 3" pitch drivers + a drop & roll to clear the front cooler decent:confused:...the rear suspension mount also had to be "dropped out" to clear the tunnel cooler as well:(....i'd take lotsa measurements before shopping for a track for your chassis if i was you:beer;:face-icon-small-hap:beer;

i put a 151*16*2.25 on my 01,fits easy with room for evac,8 tooth avids for clearance on fwd cooler as mentioned,rear drops and move front susp bolts down 1inch and back 3/4,a couple screws get turned around next to the foot well that might hit the track
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