So how often do you have to feed that thing coal? (sorry man, couldnt resist... "looks" are a lil' important... right?) Maybe "sleeker" if it sticks a few inches up and cover the flat-top with a screen... put a chunck of breathable foam inside the tube to catch moisture?
You should put a wide 90 deg. shopvac nozzle facing backwards, Then screen and foam inside. Do this right above the hood cowling level. Remember it takes a lot of air to burn coal! I like it, But if you do roll it, It will damage the hood, Airbox and possibly the carb/EFI set-up? But give it a whirl in the deep, I bet that that thing can submarine without a hickup!
Its definitely a work in progress. Took it out yesterday, works great, but since we have no powder, couldn't test it in those conditions. Will likely cap it off when the snow is not deep.