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146 RMK

Wheel House Motorsports

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Nov 27, 2007
Well, after a weekend of test riding, jumping and about 1000 wheelies I have to say. The Axys RMK shortened to a 146 is a LOT of fun. This build was only to run for a few late season rides and see how I liked it. Definately putting the parts back on the shelf once the snow is gone and will be converting my 850 khaos to 146 by late march next year.

The build:
2018 Axys Pro 155
Pro QD pullies for geardown
TRS Clutching
Straightline Performance pipe/can
Elka stage 5 shocks all around

To shorten the sled I used:

IceAge performance bomber 146" rails w/ 8in wheels
Composit M66 146 2.6" track.

I had already chopped 5in off my tunnel this winter running a 156 3inch so the tail end was already plenty short. the 146 looks pretty perfect under it. If i were going to stay fulltime 146" I would have cut more off but the 5" cut is a good balance for running both.

This sled is stupid fun. The pipe/gearing/clutching combo comes out of the hole FAST. I can actually bunny hop the sled with a quick gas brake combo move. Its not a TON faster as its still a fairly tall lug track and 2 ply so similar weight as my 3in. BUT how it transfers weight is incredible. It is so cool to rally around on and 'jib' off just about anything. I ride it a lot more like how I would ride a dirtbike and a lot less like a snowmobile. It still climbs fairly well but definately will flip over quick if the snow is soft and allows you to trench in. Hopefully I'll have some photos and videos from this weekends adeventures to share.

For those wanting a 146 but dont want to go to the wide boards/laydown steeering/big seat etc of the Switchback assault model I can assure you building it off the RMK will make you a VERY happy camper.

Wheel House Motorsports

Well-known member
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Nov 27, 2007
The shot with red rails is the 156 ans chopped tunnel. The black rails on the flatbed is the 146 setup as its sitting right now.

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Wheel House Motorsports

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Nov 27, 2007
I do skid and rail swaps all the time so my times are below average. This track is center ported so just direct swap onto stock 2.6 setup. For rail and track swap its probably judt over an hour it takes me.

For next winter Im planning on having 2 driveshafts 1 for 3 pitch and one for 2.86 then also do 2 full skids with my different shocks. Stock khaos 155 for the powder setup and 146 with elkas for spring jumping.

With full skids and driveshafts its probably a 30 minute project or less to from one setup to the other. The belt drive axys chassis is really easy to work on, especially with the belt drive installation tool.
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Lobster Carl

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Dec 21, 2018
If you were to go 146 all the time how much would you cut off the tunnel vs the 155?


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Oct 5, 2010
I do skid and rail swaps all the time so my times are below average. This track is center ported so just direct swap onto stock 2.6 setup. For rail and track swap its probably judt over an hour it takes me.

For next winter Im planning on having 2 driveshafts 1 for 3 pitch and one for 2.86 then also do 2 full skids with my different shocks. Stock khaos 155 for the powder setup and 146 with elkas for spring jumping.

With full skids and driveshafts its probably a 30 minute project or less to from one setup to the other. The belt drive axys chassis is really easy to work on, especially with the belt drive installation tool.

You need to find an excuse to own 2 sleds. ?

They rack up less miles that way. ?

Wheel House Motorsports

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Nov 27, 2007
If you were to go 146 all the time how much would you cut off the tunnel vs the 155?
If I was going to cut one, 10" would make it so the back is totaly vertical. This would be ideal if it was a fulltime backcountry sled. If it was a sled that saw a bit of trail miles and variable conditions I'd cut 8" and leave a full length snowflap and you shouldn't have any cooling issues.

On the note of 2 sleds, I've had them before and what I've found is that it makes it that much harder to keep things in tip top operating condition. Im VERY obsessive about maintenance and little details and have 2 sleds gets rather overwhelming to keep tabs on it all. Its much easier to have 1 setup that is just 100% dialed and just swap some parts for conditions.

Also when I have 2 rigs I find myself loaning the second one out a lot and if anything I rack up more miles then before. Between depreciating 2 rigs a year and the extra milage it made way more sense to have 1.
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Wheel House Motorsports

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Nov 27, 2007
Im actually still running the pro rmk pulleys (which are a slight gear down vs stock)

I tested both stock 155 Axys RMK gearing and the Pro pulleys. The stock gearing felt a little faster WOT across the flats but just a lot more lazy and boring feeling for lower speed riding. Mind you all my test riding has been done at 8000'+ and 40*F + weather so im sure cold days down lower it could pull a LOT more for clutching and gearing. But for it to be this lively in these low air density situations makes me a happy camper.

The 146 with the Pro pulleys and TRS clutching is rediculous snappy out of the hole. Like I said above, you can bunny hop it.


Well-known member
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Nov 2, 2017
Roberts, MT
I'm still riding a 144, and while I'll go longer with my next sled, I agree there are a lot of benefits. In the deepest stuff I saw this season – mid-February up by Big Sky, and granted, I didn't get in as much as I'd have liked – I had no trouble getting around. Makes me wonder why they don't at least offer a 146 Pro-RMK as a custom order.

On the note of 2 sleds, I've had them before and what I've found is that it makes it that much harder to keep things in tip top operating condition. Im VERY obsessive about maintenance and little details and have 2 sleds gets rather overwhelming to keep tabs on it all. Its much easier to have 1 setup that is just 100% dialed and just swap some parts for conditions.

I'm totally with you on this. The more I learn, the more I keep tweaking my sled. A lot of the fun is getting to the point where the sled has quick throttle response across the range, holds perfect RPM, and so on. I wouldn't say I spend as much time tinkering and upgrading as I do riding, but it's probably close to a 1-2 ratio. With two sleds, it's pretty easy to see that approaching or exceeding 1-1, assuming riding is evenly split between the two. A pure backup is easier: as long as it's reliable and you can pull and go, you're probably not going to sweat the small stuff. I don't even have a backup yet though, probably won't until I get a newer sled.

Wheel House Motorsports

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Nov 27, 2007
It flies really good... FYI

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Active member
Lifetime Membership
Mar 31, 2014
Fargo, ND
I'll just be here waiting for my wish of a factory released Pro RMK 146. Be the perfect Midwest/UP boondocker and still be just fine for what I do in the high altitude stuff a couple times a year.

Wheel House Motorsports

Well-known member
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Nov 27, 2007
I'll just be here waiting for my wish of a factory released Pro RMK 146. Be the perfect Midwest/UP boondocker and still be just fine for what I do in the high altitude stuff a couple times a year.
How bad do you want it... This sled is about to go up for sale..... Never jumped, only trail rode ;)

Also building one is super easy aside from the tunnel cut, and I know some people who are working on a kit to make cutting/shortening the tunnel WAY easier. Much less guess and more just cut/weld a new piece on. If its something your after, by the time you sell stock track/rails the upgrade is a few hundred bucks and only takes an hour + tunnel cut
Sep 25, 2016
How bad do you want it... This sled is about to go up for sale..... Never jumped, only trail rode ;)

Also building one is super easy aside from the tunnel cut, and I know some people who are working on a kit to make cutting/shortening the tunnel WAY easier. Much less guess and more just cut/weld a new piece on. If its something your after, by the time you sell stock track/rails the upgrade is a few hundred bucks and only takes an hour + tunnel cut

Question. Did you just buy the iceage 146 rails and everything from the 155 skid just bolted up in the exact same position as they did with the 155 rails? (No moving rear suspension mount?) I'm looking to do the same to my 19 sks 155 and looking for answers.
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