Rough low Idle problem
I had an idle issue four years ago on a 700 Dragon and chased it most of that winter and no reverse due to that low/rough idle. I had to check the injectors (they were good), had to check for air/vac leaks (none), checked ignition system (all good), thhought it might something to do with Exhaust valves ( no, all ok here). I was really pulling my hair out and was frustrated. As a wild guess, I thought I would check the reed valves and pulled them out, Well, I found a plastic pull rivet tale stuck under one reed leaf! When the dealer prep on the machine included the powder vents and better air intake issues (SLP) kit some of the plastic rivets used to put the powder vents on went into the air box and one of these rivet tails made its way (two years later) to the reeds. In this trek into the reeds I also found two more rivet tales in the air box and I really put a Red Face on the dealer that had done the prep. So just more to think about.
gtwitch in wyoming
I had an idle issue four years ago on a 700 Dragon and chased it most of that winter and no reverse due to that low/rough idle. I had to check the injectors (they were good), had to check for air/vac leaks (none), checked ignition system (all good), thhought it might something to do with Exhaust valves ( no, all ok here). I was really pulling my hair out and was frustrated. As a wild guess, I thought I would check the reed valves and pulled them out, Well, I found a plastic pull rivet tale stuck under one reed leaf! When the dealer prep on the machine included the powder vents and better air intake issues (SLP) kit some of the plastic rivets used to put the powder vents on went into the air box and one of these rivet tails made its way (two years later) to the reeds. In this trek into the reeds I also found two more rivet tales in the air box and I really put a Red Face on the dealer that had done the prep. So just more to think about.
gtwitch in wyoming