Had an issue with a grounded power wire but got that fixed. Had 2 great days of riding but on day 2 around 30 miles it died like it was out of gas. Filled her up and started her up and made it 1/2 mile of mid throttle trail breaking. Died like it was out of gas. Fiddled with the wires for a few minutes then it started up. Did this a number of times but would only make it 100yds then died like it was out of gas. If I let it sit for a minute it would start and make it another 100' before it would act like it ran out of gas. I noticed when it was about to start I would have to crack the throttle to get her going. Also noticed if I turned off my heater it would die right away. Made it back to the cabin and warmed up for 30 min.
After that the sled started fine and drove it 6 miles back to the truck under various throttle loads without trouble.
Any ideas? 1000 miles on sled. Stock except headlight delete.
After that the sled started fine and drove it 6 miles back to the truck under various throttle loads without trouble.
Any ideas? 1000 miles on sled. Stock except headlight delete.
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