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The new "Series 11" flyweights feature an aggressive shift curvature, and thinner profile, than the previous Series 10 weights. Most of these cost $32US each
When compared to a Series 10 weight, the Series 11 weight has more weight distributed at the beginning of the profile curve and does not tuck under as much as the Series 10 weight. Because of this difference, the belt-to-sheave clearance must be checked and washers may need to be added to increase the belt-to-sheave clearance after installing any Series 11 weight into a drive clutch that was previously equipped with Series 10 weights.
The procedure for increasing the belt-to-sheave clearance by changing shim washer(s) between the spider and fixed sheave is outlined in all Polaris snowmobile service manuals.
When cross-referencing between Series 10 and Series 11 flyweights, a Series 11 flyweight will function similarly like a 2-gram heavier Series 10 weight. For example, use a 11-68 when replacing a 10-70 flyweight.