I wonder how bad the results would be if you removed all pollsters with less than 1000 miles. If you do the math right now and assume that nobody with less than 1000 miles had a problem that's around 31% failure. Having taken two quarters of statistics in college I would believe that to be a poor sampling but what about middle ground of 22% (13%+31%/2) That's a little high in my opinion for acceptablility. Something you guys are missing is that Polaris doesn't have the highest hp or meanest motor out there that you can buy. If they were getting 170 hp and having issues, that's one thing. To de-tune a sled to try and get to down to acceptable losses in warranty and still have the lowest hp motor in the class? I find it unacceptable.
I am one of the stupid that keep buying the products they produce for lack of anything better out there but really, at some point Polaris is going to have to design a different motor. Would a 4 stroke in a pro put it equal in weight to a Scud? Just asking.
No body seems to be getting anyone from Polaris on this site to chime in. Why not? Do you know your 800 motor is inferrior? Why don't you chime in and defend you product? You have the numbers right there in front of you. 800 motors sold in sled assemblies vs. warranty work numbers. I would believe it's because they are ashamed of data. My father once told me that when you no longer believe you build the best or do the best job and you can't defend your product, it's time to get out.
I am not trying to bust any ones balls, I love my Pro chassis and even though I snowchecked a 13, I have to wonder if it's going to run when I get it and for how long it will run. Yes, I will have warranty but when you are sitting in front of Polaris West after dropping off your sled to be fixed and all your buddies are heading into the hills to ride..without you..it gets old. Warranty doesn't pay for rental sleds...maybe it should. That would bankrupt PI in less than a year! If we are just a bunch of whinny cry babies then somebody from Polaris Industries should come on here and show us the numbers to dispell our discontent with the 800 motor. Nobody and no company is perfect but you should be trying for perfection and not happy with status quo.