bought three 1000 rt 162's and brought them home, was going to pick the best two for me and the old lady. I soon discovered which were the best two. All of them are 05's. rode the one into the garage, idle was rough on it and it dyed. trying to start it and the plugs keep getting wet. Floods itself big time. have emptied fuel out of exhaust several times as working on it and trying to get it to start. I have traded everything from one sled to another, every sensor,injectors, throttle bodies, ecm. checked ignition and timing, ok. I am retired from general motors and worked for them throughtout the late 80's and early'90's. I have the knowledge of fuel injection and these systems are as basic as you can get. everything seems to check out( compression, reeds, battery) but it will not even attemped to start. Just came from my dealer, buds did nothing and All I got to hear about was 2 1/2 hours of how ****ty the 1000 is and they could do nothing for me, so here I am sled back home(do you know how hard it is to load these sleds byyourself if they dont run) and wondering how to put carbs on it. Anyways one thing that has also plagued me was it is susposed to turn off the fuel injectors if you hold the throttle wide open. It does not so I ended up pulling the fuses for the injectors and pulling until the rope broke and rotated four sets of plugs five times through it until the plugs would no longer get wet, during this process I had a timing light to check if the spark was accuring at the right time, it was. would you not think that it would at least try to fire once?