Someday in the next year or so I'll need to retire the 00' MM 700, it's tired. I'm thinking about the Nytro, I've read good things about it.
I'm all for hp's, fun, etc., but I have also liked my Yammy's reliability. I've added pipes and other small stuff and taken off a bunch of weight, and 156" track, but that's it. I've pulled the rope and rode the old sled without much trouble.
I need something that I can ride out of the box and no wrenching on the trails or in the wood.
First question, does the Nytro out of the box have enough gitty-up to over come the weight?
Second, is adding a turbo the only way to go on these? If so, $15k later and I'm on the snow. In the mean time, I could have purchased 2 - slightly used M8's or RMK's or Doo's 2 strokes.
I've seen the Nytro turbo in action personally. Unstoppable. But man, the money to get into these is high.