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09 D8 do I buy or wait

Nov 28, 2007
time to upgrade sleds. looking at a 09 D8 carry over but with all the motor problems I've read about kinda leary about spending that kind of $$ for a headache. I've never owned anything but Polaris (30 years worth). I've been told that Yamaha 4 stroke is the way to go. Being a Minnesota boy I'd like to put my money back in MN. My question... do you believe that polaris has fixed the problem? or is this update just a bandaid ? Do I hold off till next year, the ol' wait and see mode.


Dec 4, 2006
No one really knows the answer for sure but Polaris has spent millions on a complete recall so they have a lot at stake and also have the warranty to back you up. A lot of haven't had any issues. The double ring pistons and better VES oil might have been enough last year, so the new head and better fuel mapping should do the trick.


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Sep 7, 2008
Cle Elum WA
Well I just took the gamble and put my money down on an '09 D8 holdover. I pick it up this Friday with all the updates done... My plan is to ride the snot out of it this winter, so it better be fixed. From what I've read all it took to fix was a PCIII with the correct map. Now with the new 2 ring pistons and low compression head we'll have a few new unkowns to talk about until we ride them and feel the love.... or not.


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Nov 26, 2007
Rapid City
time to upgrade sleds. looking at a 09 D8 carry over but with all the motor problems I've read about kinda leary about spending that kind of $$ for a headache. I've never owned anything but Polaris (30 years worth). I've been told that Yamaha 4 stroke is the way to go. Being a Minnesota boy I'd like to put my money back in MN. My question... do you believe that polaris has fixed the problem? or is this update just a bandaid ? Do I hold off till next year, the ol' wait and see mode.

I am in no way bashing on Polaris as I own one. I just want to be honest. If I was going to go out and buy a new sled today it would be a Nytro, hands down. The performance is alot closer than you think and there is no one that matches the reliability.

Is the Polaris fix a bandaid? Most I have talked to think so. Will it hold? Probably. I know you want to be brand loyal and keep the money in MN, but I don't think you are getting your money's worth.


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Oct 3, 2008
IMO the full monte is plum full, a nytro, come on, again IMO the fix is no bandaid they spent major bucks and are scared to death about pissing sleders off any more ( this is more than a guess from me), pick out a good dealer and snap it up. if you are still wary remember the guys that spent $350.00 for a pcIII had no troubles


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Nov 26, 2007
Rapid City
IMO the full monte is plum full, a nytro, come on, again IMO the fix is no bandaid they spent major bucks and are scared to death about pissing sleders off any more ( this is more than a guess from me), pick out a good dealer and snap it up. if you are still wary remember the guys that spent $350.00 for a pcIII had no troubles

Oh come on that wasn't necessary. :rolleyes: I've always respected your posts and opinions. :D I'm not sure what your exact relationship with Polaris is, but you always seem to be in the "know". Working where I do and the relationships I have within the industry I often find myself knowing more than I care to. Which is why I am lead to think of this as more of a band aid fix. I do believe they are doing what needs to be done and the fix will produce a dependable end result.
Fitz came on a forum that was going to obviously be biased. Because last year I was blessed enough to ride every brand of sled I could give an honest unbiased opinion.
Those of you you who haven't ridden a Nytro and get the opportunity, take it! Fun factor is very high. :D Unlike Polaris, Yamaha's advertised HP seems low. This motor has some serious grunt! You can't tell at all that it is a heavier sled. Well, probably when it's stuck. :p I would assume it won't climb as well as I didn't get to do that, but I know one guy who took it to the top of a hill it wasn't supposed to go up. The chassis isn't quite as good as the IQ, but very close. Heck the motor will probably go 20,000 miles before a valve adjustment. It takes an act of God himself to get the Polaris to 2000.
I just feel Polaris has some homework to do yet. The pride and quality is not there. Like many American companies I feel they may be cutting too many corners in the final production of their products.
Do I like my D8? Heck I love it! :D This sled can carve and boondock like no other. Perfect stand up riding position and great suspension. However, it has taken a lot of headache and personal time fixing and wrenching making it somewhat dependable. Even saying that, I have never had a sled that I fear will leave me stranded more than this one. Be sure to ride in a group! Which I don't always do.
Again, I just like to be honest as that is who I am. These are only my opinions. They are neither right nor wrong. Only an opinion.
Nov 27, 2007
Newport, WA
IMO the fix is no bandaid they spent major bucks and are scared to death about pissing sleders off any more

You'd think that after all the issues with the 900RMK Polaris would have spent some time making sure they got the D8 right.
I've been real happy with my last 2 Polaris sleds, but I'm feeling like the next one in the garage is going to be a Doo.


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Since we're giving out opinions, I thought I'd chime in::eek: Invest in what you're comfortable with. Invest in the brand that you think is going to be around for a couple years, at least as long as you intend to own your new purchase. At this point in the hunt, it appears that the financial wherewithall of most brands is intact, with the exception of A/C. They all build good machines to one degree or another.

I got bent over the perverbial barrel with on 05 fusion 900. Had it stuck right up in there dry and sideways. It didn't feel good. However, my dealer worked with me, who knows what Poo did for them, but in the end the dealer made it right for me, the consumer. Personally I'm most familiar with Poo, so jumping over to Doo, Yam, or Cat was an unknown, plus I would have to find a new dealer to develop a relationship with.

Go with where your confidence and experience lies. Will the "fix" cure everything? doubtful. Take some time and read the other brand forums, and you'll soon see that in this sport, everyone has something to complain about.


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Oct 3, 2008
What you said was correct, sorry if I bent a head bolt on ya but I try to ride everything each year also and of course when you do that you never get enough time to get the feel for the brand thatyou didn't chose for yourself so some mixed feeling are involved,I just know that I don't care what any magazine ever says the Yams are like subs when you let off the throttle and are harder to get unstuck IMO, real world, now with a turbo they dive but throttle brings em up IMO. I also believe that the fix is not a band aid as they have fought with the suits to finally fix the problem that remember not everyone saw, they hired the efi guru from Cat and spent tons with Orbital plus the head is a little over kill as far as a fix but they are not willing to let a motor out that won't last, plus this motor is going to be around with us for some time in one shape or another, As far as the 900 goes they found out it was a bad design and just couldn't fix it without changing crank placement and such ( Doo still does this and they still shake)anyway hope it snows the frown off ya
Nov 28, 2007
Thanks for the imput guys. thinking I'm going to hold off buying till after christmas then see how the fix is working. I really don't have to rush as my sleds are running good. It's just not that often the wife says "just go ahead and buy one" I also have a friend that had a 05 900 fusion, he went to yamaha. I'll keep my eyes on the board here and wait for everyone's conclusions after a month of riding.
Nov 27, 2007
Newport, WA
As far as the 900 goes they found out it was a bad design and just couldn't fix it without changing crank placement and such

they are not willing to let a motor out that won't last

Kinda contradictory statements, don't you think? :beer;
On that note, the 00-05 Liberty 800's have crank issues too that were never really addressed by Polaris. Seems like for whatever reason, Polaris can't get a +700cc motor out with any kind of long term reliability.


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Dec 23, 2007
I didn't even read the posts here. I knew what was coming in them.

I have an 09 D8 and I've not had one issue in 400 miles. Maybe I'm lucky or maybe the problem was really with mostly first batch machines as Polaris claims (first batch of voltage regulators). Still, I'm looking forward to the update so that I dont' have to worry about that mid-range lean issue. I'm not biased and I think a lot of the Yami's, but a D8 will walk all over a Nytro unless you want to spend $7K to put a reliable turbo on it.


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Nov 27, 2007
I love the Polaris Chassis. Strong, great in powder, easy to boondock and the 600 I have in mine is great. The 800 I would have to think twice. But if you know who to do a little wrenching or you have a warranty it may be worth the gamble.


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Nov 26, 2007
Cheyenne, Wyoming
For 2010 its the same motor, same chasis, every thing is the same except the graphics, so waiting really won't do anything because its the same motor. I would buy one now because you have warranty and not everyones is blowing up.
Dec 7, 2007
Mill Creek, WA
I bought. Well, actually, I sold, then bought. I sold my M7, and bought an '09 D8 w/1100 mi. the update is being done now, so hopefully, I'll have a sled that is reliable and fun. if not, well, i guess that's part of the gamble.

I haven't been paying too much attention to it, and this is the first I have heard that A/C is in $$ trouble. How bad is it?

left A/C and went to Polaris because of dealer support. I have nothing against the M series. Treated me well.
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