Here's my thoughts on the two.
-Lighter feeling and gets up on the snow well.
-Easy to change a-arms.
-No bushings in a Pro skid so there may be some wear on arms and shafts there if it wasn't kept properly greased.
-Watch for bent rails and kinked tunnels near the bulkhead.
-If the motor has over 1500 miles on it and hasn't had a fix kit or been updated to 13+ pistons and cylinders it is a gamble. When they go there is a good chance they will take out the crankcase too.
-Might need motor mounts.
-Stock steering stem bushings wear quick
-Check jackshaft bearings.
-TPS sensor settings seem finicky.
-If you are very big you will have to keep it pinned in deep snow to maintain momentum, but it will keep tractoring along.
-Suspension is sprung pretty soft stock.
-Go for the 10-11 if you can to get the HO motor.
-Durable and mod-friendly motor. 2500-3000 miles easy on a top end and won't have to worry about the crank until at least the second rebuild.
-Very similar riding style to the Pro and will hold the same lines, but might have a bit more fatigue by the end of the day.
-Extra power is more exciting to ride (might contribute to the fatigue as well).
-Powerclaw track is pretty good all around.
-More plastic in the way to get a-arm bolts out.
-Will probably need a new/rebuilt primary clutch before 2000 miles and maybe a new/rebuilt secondary a little sooner.
-Needs motor mounts every 1000 miles.
-Go through the diamond drive every year and clean it. $100 for bearings and oil if needed.
-Adjustable steering post is nice, but can get a bit of play in it after a while. Bothers some people and not others.
-One hand warmer element is probably burned out