Hi Jim, thanks for the post. Like I said earlier, I really don't want to stoop down to Lucas' level but some response might be best.
Choking him? No. His sled was in my 2 place enclosed (front and rear gullwing doors open) , hitched to shortbox pickup with sled deck carrying 2 sleds. I was standing at his front bumper asking if he would like to make arrangements to pay us later. He's behind the bars/drivers position when his screaming "I don't have the F'in money" started and he repeatedly fires up his M7 and goes for the throttle to run me over/ pin me to the attached truck. Some shoving happened to keep him off the throttle and protect my life and limb. Enough said.
I intended to just be glad he's gone but he says he filed a police report. I'm no legal expert but would this be considered assault with deadly weapon or attempted Cat attack
Someone on the board (bless you) did contact me as he's an investigator? of some sort who did some checking and said he had been trashed by a keyboard harasser and knows how bad it is. I didn't write it down but he said to be patient as there's so much he's finding and he will post later. I think he said Lucas has multiple $$ judgments against him, multiple multiple (whatever that means) arrests , multiple names/aliases he goes by, and multiple (or maybe just one?) restraining order against him.
I think I'm forgetting something but your memory slips when you hit 50.
So, that's the latest and more details should follow when this guy gets it all together.
So, anybody want to ride the powder intead of deal with this kind of cr@p?
I did not even post anything bad about Lucas after the trip but he just had to come on here and call myself (and now autolodge) crooks etc. Wish you would have just "let it go" and moved on.
Bob in MN