Well lets see, how about, The company that was making the driveshafts last year filed for bankrupcy and went out of business, Brp has to recall over 35,000 units, the new supplier has to make shafts for 09 year production and build shafts for the recall. There is no way in hell any supplier could meet that demand. Currently the supplier can make 1000 recall shafts a month and still keep up with production. And before anybody spouts off and says BRP should have taken care of 08 owners before they put 09's in production, get a grip on life. New production must go on for a company to stay in business there is no way they could hold production on 09's. So get off the BRP hate train and have a little understanding and realize the full extent of situation.
So at $500 per unit to take care of a drive axel and 35,000 (which is an estimate, its more) units that is $17,500,000 its going to cost BRP to take care of this, AND BRP DOES NOT CARE ABOUT ITS CUSTOMERS ?