First ride this year, get onto the trail and get a bog when i hit the gas. Figured it was just cold so i cruise along a bit and hit the gas again. This time it acts like the tether was pulled. I am standing up and nearly went over the bars. I stop, and swap the plugs, same story. So I nursed it back to the trailer by pumping the throttle non stop, would only run at idle or 8k. The problem happens on decel when you hit the gas again, there is a huge bog and then it wakes up. Often times though it will just bog right out and you can roll it dead to a stop with the throttle pinned.
Things I changed since it ran last year
1. Oil Delete
2. BMP can
What I checked.
1. Belly pan off, checked my Oil Delete plug and intake hoses, everything is tight.
2. Intake has no cracks in it, and TB's are right to reed cage boots.
3. Airbox is making a good seal.
3. Disconnected TSS with no effect.
4. Put new exhaust springs on (had wrong springs so a little loose), no change.
5. Checked all wiring plugs, no change
6. All plugs look lean.
A little backstory is the first time I started it this year I could only get it running on one cylinder. I tapped the injector on one side and it started running on both.
I am thinking that the fuel pressure is not up to par causing it to run lean? I need to get a gauge on it to check that out. I am also going to pull my injectors and clean them in carb cleaner. Would reeds have any effect like this?
Things I changed since it ran last year
1. Oil Delete
2. BMP can
What I checked.
1. Belly pan off, checked my Oil Delete plug and intake hoses, everything is tight.
2. Intake has no cracks in it, and TB's are right to reed cage boots.
3. Airbox is making a good seal.
3. Disconnected TSS with no effect.
4. Put new exhaust springs on (had wrong springs so a little loose), no change.
5. Checked all wiring plugs, no change
6. All plugs look lean.
A little backstory is the first time I started it this year I could only get it running on one cylinder. I tapped the injector on one side and it started running on both.
I am thinking that the fuel pressure is not up to par causing it to run lean? I need to get a gauge on it to check that out. I am also going to pull my injectors and clean them in carb cleaner. Would reeds have any effect like this?