With the updated harness and the early '06 bars(Or any pre-'06), you are doing what is referred to as the "Rockerdan Mod".
Credited rightfully to the guy that came up with it.
You are actually changing the grip wiring FROM series TO Parallel.
(NOT to series)
The only problem(s) I have with this mod is that it is NOT foolproof.
You literally can melt the grips right off the sled with setting them to full and walking away.
The magneto is very close to maxed on these sleds, so you can easily overload the magneto causing a serious voltage drop.
When the voltage drops, the ECU automatically increases the pulse width to the fuel injectors to compensate (most any EFI system does this), at the same time the spark energy drops causing a serious risk of fire in the exhaust.
The mod sometimes causes the ECU clock to malfunction, but I haven't seen or heard of any direct ECU failures from it.
You can draw more current from the electrical system, but NOT indefinitely.
There is a definite limit to what you can draw before you risk damage to your sled.
Hope this helps!