On my weekend ride my 06 800 started to bog a bit about 10 km's from the truck, a quick feathering of the throttle seemed to clear it up and the RPM's came back but only for a moment. It then started to bog down again and throttle feathering had no effect. I stopped and the sled died right out. I tried to re-start with the e-start and it turned over very slowly but did not start so I tried to pull start it and she was tight, I could not even pull it over. Pulled the belt off towed it out and headed home.
Once at home I pulled the plugs to see if she was lean, PTO side looked good if anything a little fat. MAG side was very white looking. I did a compression test PTO side 140+, MAG side 0. She has to come apart.
I started tearing into it to see what I could find. When I got to the power valves the PTO side came out real easy, (a little dirty, needs cleaning but nothing bad). The MAG side was very sticking coming out and had to wiggle and tug to get it out, it is completely covered in gummy oil.
I am now trying to mess with the Y-pipe bolts (PITA) to continue the tear down but in the meantime wondered if anyone had any ideas as to, why the MAG side would all of a sudden be lean and the PTO side is not. Once I get the head off I am sure I will get a better idea as to what is going on but am looking for some input, feedback and ideas on what happened so that when I get it back together I can prevent it from happening again right away.
Once at home I pulled the plugs to see if she was lean, PTO side looked good if anything a little fat. MAG side was very white looking. I did a compression test PTO side 140+, MAG side 0. She has to come apart.
I started tearing into it to see what I could find. When I got to the power valves the PTO side came out real easy, (a little dirty, needs cleaning but nothing bad). The MAG side was very sticking coming out and had to wiggle and tug to get it out, it is completely covered in gummy oil.
I am now trying to mess with the Y-pipe bolts (PITA) to continue the tear down but in the meantime wondered if anyone had any ideas as to, why the MAG side would all of a sudden be lean and the PTO side is not. Once I get the head off I am sure I will get a better idea as to what is going on but am looking for some input, feedback and ideas on what happened so that when I get it back together I can prevent it from happening again right away.