Well, my motor decided to blow up today.
Here is a little history on it.
Bought the sled a few weeks ago, rebuilt the top end and re packed the crank bearings. Rode it around the house for like 2 hours (ran perfect).
I took it up in the mountains this morning and only made it like 5 miles up the trail when the pto side rod decided to snap in half.
Now this just seems weird to me that a rod would just break.
I was taking the motor easy to try and break it in and was just cruising at like 40 mph when BOOM. The rod broke and took out both cases.
Here are some pictures of the motor after i took it apart.
Keep in mind the motor has only about 2 hours of run time and all has been with a 50:1 premix in gas.
Also, i was going down the trail on not on the gas when it blew.
I took every step to ensure the motor to run good:
-Used mineral XPS 2 stroke oil
-Bled oil pump and lines
-Held oil pump open on initial start until it smoked like crazy (did it like 3 times)
-Had no lights, engine codes and engine ran wonderful
-No leaks of any kind
-Started two pulls cold with choke on and one pull once warm
-Always warmed it up before i rode it (never even got a chance to ride it hard or open her up real good)
So, with that being said, i believe this motor blow is due to piston failure. If you look at the piston that is still good, the coating is all work off and looks like it is just disintegrating!
So by reading what has been done, here is what i think happened:
1- the piston coating wore off and now the piston is not protected.
2- the skirt on piston shattered and sent metal everywhere.
3- the metal from the piston jammed the piston which in turn broke the rod.
4- the existing part of the rod on the crank spun around and absolutely demolished the cases and cylinder.
5- you can see the rod is bent and the only way is could bend is if the top end failed.
BOTH rod bearings on the crank and needle bearing on piston are free and spin great.
All crank bearings are good
How would you guys go about trying to deal with SPI about this?
Clearly it is not my fault and the pistons are the issue. I am now out the time and money for the original build and now i have no motor!!!
I need something from SPI!
Here is a link to my Photobucket where all the pictures are:
Motor Pictures
Here is a video of the bearings:
Here is a little history on it.
Bought the sled a few weeks ago, rebuilt the top end and re packed the crank bearings. Rode it around the house for like 2 hours (ran perfect).
I took it up in the mountains this morning and only made it like 5 miles up the trail when the pto side rod decided to snap in half.
Now this just seems weird to me that a rod would just break.
I was taking the motor easy to try and break it in and was just cruising at like 40 mph when BOOM. The rod broke and took out both cases.
Here are some pictures of the motor after i took it apart.
Keep in mind the motor has only about 2 hours of run time and all has been with a 50:1 premix in gas.
Also, i was going down the trail on not on the gas when it blew.
I took every step to ensure the motor to run good:
-Used mineral XPS 2 stroke oil
-Bled oil pump and lines
-Held oil pump open on initial start until it smoked like crazy (did it like 3 times)
-Had no lights, engine codes and engine ran wonderful
-No leaks of any kind
-Started two pulls cold with choke on and one pull once warm
-Always warmed it up before i rode it (never even got a chance to ride it hard or open her up real good)
So, with that being said, i believe this motor blow is due to piston failure. If you look at the piston that is still good, the coating is all work off and looks like it is just disintegrating!
So by reading what has been done, here is what i think happened:
1- the piston coating wore off and now the piston is not protected.
2- the skirt on piston shattered and sent metal everywhere.
3- the metal from the piston jammed the piston which in turn broke the rod.
4- the existing part of the rod on the crank spun around and absolutely demolished the cases and cylinder.
5- you can see the rod is bent and the only way is could bend is if the top end failed.
BOTH rod bearings on the crank and needle bearing on piston are free and spin great.
All crank bearings are good
How would you guys go about trying to deal with SPI about this?
Clearly it is not my fault and the pistons are the issue. I am now out the time and money for the original build and now i have no motor!!!
I need something from SPI!
Here is a link to my Photobucket where all the pictures are:
Motor Pictures
Here is a video of the bearings: