Howdy. I'm new to sledding, I bought my first sled last winter in January. A 2004 RMK 800 Edge 159" with 1100 miles on it. The purchase may have been a little hasty considering I know little about it's use and maintenance. I put about 200 miles on it before it quit and left me stranded on the mountain. I finally got the time to pull the head off and find out what happened. On the clutch side the VES valve broke and slid into the jug and the piston smashed into it several times before the engine quit running altogether. I'm wondering if I can just rebuild the top end on that jug or if I should rebuild the entire top end or do I need to rebuild the whole engine? Any advice, tips, links or the like will be a great help. I'm no stranger to engines having been a diesel mechanic for the last decade but am new to these little gas 2-strokers…