I'm 5'6" 150 +gear...this is what i did,narrow the sled,19-43 gears,port the track,big wheel kit. Bolt on a pair of polaris frontier skies these are extra wide(about 8")sidehiller2's great price because you already have the hardware i paid $40each new,besides big foot print in back big foot print in front. Engine plate, big bearing kit, slp single pipe, plug the decompression hole(slp), than slp porting, than have Millenium Technologies re-nikasil your cylinders. V-force reeds, handlebar riser. Change your stock primary spring Part#7043342(Black/Green)every year, check your weight(62gr/64gr)bushings. Check your exhaust bellows Part#5412733 and springs Part#7041704-04 every year, i don't think it's necessary to carry one even if you blow one out on the hill it will still get you back to the truck. It's still good idea to change your water pump in the shop so you know how and what you need on the trail and yes carry one (in six years i have'ent needed mine) the trick is check it every year and once a ride pull your rope all the way out this prevents a loose loop from getting under your belt. I tried riding without my swaybar when it was broke and i did'nt care for it.