Snow Fox
try driving around a big city, here in chicago things have slowed tremendously... fewer cars on the road and more carpoolers, more motorcycles, etc...
You should've seen the traffic coming through here yesterday (Sunday, July 6). If anybody thinks that the traffic has slowed down around here they are higher than a kite. The majority of vehicles are pulling either a gigantic 5th wheel camper with a toy hauler in back, or they are pulling a trailer loaded with four wheelers. The majority of plates say Colorado and they are all coming down from the mountains. There must be a lot of high paying jobs down south in CO, because the high fuel prices do not seem to be slowing them down a bit. Then you throw in I-80 and all of the passenger cars/SUV's mixed in with all of the big trucks. Alot of those plates say California, Colorado, Illinois, Michigan, Iowa, Utah, Washington, Idaho, Orgeon, Wyoming of course, and others mixed in from the other fifty states. They then choose to ignore the big black/white signs that say Speed Limit 75.
Maybe in some of your local areas traffic has slowed, but here on I-80 in SE Wyoming traffic is busier than ever. People aren't doing a very good job at conserving fuel right now when its 4 bucks a gallon. There is no reason for fuel to prices to drop. What is it going to take, 5 or 6 dollars a gallon before you see large scale fuel conservation?