lol this is almost as entertaining as sitting in a lawn chair at a trailer park on a Friday night.....
lol and as far as not being a rock star.... What would you call it if you got payed to ride brand new sleds that are given to you? Get a life time supply of monster energy drinks and 50 sets of free goggles…. Ot may not be a rockstarts life but in this sport its about as good as it gets.
If one day we can all stand on a stage, or podium, or on a tv screen, and just have enough time to hold up a gold record, gold trophy or except my MVP award, that would probably be one of the greatest moments of some our life’s. To stand in front of peers, critics, and fans and say you are the best would be life changed, to be recognized for putting years of training and effort into you passion ( in this case snowmobiling) would be amazing... and isn't that the American dream? Because that IS what Tucker Hibbert gets to do. That’s what the song is about and how getting your American dream might not be so great. That often more times than not your dreams nad wishes and hopes realy aren’t that great. It doesn't fit a sled getting loaded into a strange trailer very well but it works. Have you ever been on youtube? Just spend one hour there and you would probably FREAK out lol.
Can you honestly stand there and tell me you never curse? It’s not a big deal... God isn't going to strike you dead and send you strait to hell for listening to music that cusses. I don’t know what god you be leave in or if you do at all, or if this has any influence on any of your choices to say this is inappropriate (but I bet it does in some cases). If there is a god I like to think he has more important things to do.
The only peeps who listen to that mind numbing pointless music are as such SICK! First you poached a shot then added slack music! One thing for sure the Libs will like it.
That really does offend me to tell you the truth. Just because i like the music i do doesn't make me sick. Is it right for me to think badly of you because of what station your Xm is on? Why don't you share the type of music you think people would rather prefer? Im true to my self and i take songs for what they really mean. I listen to KID ROCK, Metallica, Godsmack, Nickelback, 3 doors down, guns n' roses, disturbed, crossfade, staind, 38 special, and pritty much any rock in the late 80's. Every once in a wile i might listen to some 50 cent or eminem...
So..... does that make me a wolf killing devil worshiping crack dealing god hating ...(ummm ran out of bad things so just think of something in your mind and insurt it hear!) with a loaded m-60 pointed at a baby kitten yelling PETA sucks!, while eating fried SPOTTED OWL on the side of a street in the slums of Detroit with a pregnant 17 year old wife smoking weed going in to have an abortion with snoop dog giving fun commentary….also smoking weed

If you think that of people who listen to different music than you do, than you REALY have some issues and that also makes you PREJUDICE!
Would you like to know the definition of that word? The word prejudice refers to prejudgment: making a decision before becoming aware of the relevant facts of a case or event. The word has commonly been used in certain restricted contexts, in the expression 'racial prejudice'. Initially this is referred to making a judgment about a person based on their race, religion, or beliefs!
Hay Fire cat guy, if you get proof that it really is his wife... i might edit the song a little bit but if not i would say leave it there just so it REALY messes up our youth and drives all these guys crazy… because every one knows that kids such you tube day and night looking for a snocross racer’s sled getting put in a trailer.
wow.... you can tell i have less time to ride and i am doing other things with my time now....i need to get another job or something better to do wiht my time.