(Long post warning) Hello everyone, first post for me so hopefully I’m not beating a dead horse. Just purchased this 19 skidoo 850 free ride. Last owner said he couldn’t get it to rev past 7000rpm, had plugs replaced and boost injectors. Didn’t fix it so he sold it, I got the sled and started inspecting, the clutch rollers (ramp rollers) were seized. fixed those. Has 155 Polaris ramps in it making clutch engage at 3k rpm. Lifted sled and couldn’t get it to go past 6200rpm and it sounded like a boat cavitation. Pulled hood off, and checked rave valves, they seemed to go in and out fine with no sticking but they are leaking oil, checked servo and all gears looked good, after manually moving rave by hand I started the sled and got it to hit 7800rpm easily. Loaded sled and went up the mountain for a test ride, ran perfect but as it warmed up it got worse, about 10 minutes in a check engine light flipped on, and when idling would suddenly drop from 1150-1250 down to 900rpm then jump right back up. At WOT sometimes the sled will hit 76-7800rpm but sometimes will completely fall on its face anywhere from 5k-6500 rpm. Will continually fall on its face unless I let off the throttle and hit it again and sometimes will pick right back up. After 15-20 minutes of riding loaded the sled up and stopped by the dealer on the way home to check codes. These are the “stored” codes he showed me, PO107, PO113, PO217, P1429, P2299, P2478, P250F but it had no current or active codes, dealer also updated the ECM and CLUSTER while I was there. Also, sled has black residue all over the front that looks like it has/had a bad exhaust leak. When I had the hood off I checked exhaust and found no leaks anywhere. Sorry for the long post and hoping I got everything in here, dealer said he thinks it could be a wiring problem to one of the 4 injectors, or possibly spark plug wires arching so I will check all of this tomorrow. Just looking for any other advice or if someone has had this or something similar happen, thanks for any info.