Just "one more day" (for the fifth tine!)
This isn't so much a build, it was more like, since I gotta got to replace the bearings and the stubby Swingarm pivot bolts, I might as well do these other things as well...
Jan 6th. This bird has been bone stock cept for removing some pucks from the primary and removing the middle skid spring.
Good bye Torque limiting system.. Only AD Boivan would use the most complicated solution to the simplest problem of belts breaking.. and then make a sticker on your hood shouting about it!
So I took off all this...
And put on all this.. Do you know who makes what?
oh yeah.. the 151" x 16" x 2.5" paddles from the 08/09 XP's; plus a Used $75 table saw to make it fit!
finally got to cut the zip tie that held the carbs off the stock jackshaft.. sledr2's work fixed that!
Decided to cut some weight by puttting a 1/8th" groove into my left frame plate... saved .006 OZ's and 20% structual intregrity reduction!
LH frame doubler and strut.. The strut completes a triangle... Nice work, I like triangles.
RH frame doubler.. I had to drill a new set of holes, the end one would of gone right thru my can. TLKPRD!!!!!
Off Road rider's advice to put the drive shaft in the freezer - Zero dollars.
Wifes reaction to this pic - "Is that OUR freezer?" - Priceless.
Sledr2 put my SnoWest SN on the bar risers.
Sure glad my SN wasn't "Fart Face" or "Dill Weed"... actually, Dill Weed would of been cool.
Tiny Tach nestles right in the new risers...
151" extension w/ 8" big wheel by sledr2..
entire 151" skid w/ anti stab installed.
New Hifax is about 5 inches longer than the 136"
This took about 4 hours of my life (damn beers!)
This sure stinks!
1/2 way Done!
The motor of the saw (I just picked it up used) got REAL hot and quit spinning 3/4's of the way thru the cutting, thought I toasted it. Then I noticed this little yellow plug that said "Oil". Some 10-W40 and you idiot! later, all was good.
No officer, that stench you smell is NOT a Meth Lab!, This is called "Track Cutting". Phew, that was close!
My Stock 136 is 12 3/8" wide
I was shooting for about 12 7/8"s wide to be safe. Ended up 12 3/4's.. No 14" wide Mo-Fo, but I'll take it.
Most important part, it is 1 7/16" from the window on both sides.. even steven.
Side by side of 136 and 151
Good idea TLKPRD for suggesting cardboard to help put the track driver in, this plastic I had left over from padding the tank contact points worked even better...
the recommended longer swingarm bolts were hard to come by (what else is new)
It fits!
All bolted tight...
looks tuff w/out the flap.
Tight in there!
Best upgrade for the buck!
My 600 ALWAYS overheated, just doubled up my bungees 2 years ago and never a problem since!
Gas tank was worn half way thru at body connections.. dense plastic pads to stop it from getting worse.
SKIDOO part # 570 135 100 "Radiator Reservoir Grommet" - Why does it not suprise me that this is the gas tank grommet?
Gas tank quick release connecter from SHA
Artic cat secondary; all small pucks gone from salad bowl
Now back to the thread title.. I'm one link to short!! AARRGGHHH!!! off to the parts store AGAIN. I geared it down to 14/30 from stock 28/56 so the Lil' ol' 600 can keep the 151 spinning!
Tony always asks my why I call the 05 600's the Van Halen Model..
Exhibit one:
Exhibit two:
One more day!
This isn't so much a build, it was more like, since I gotta got to replace the bearings and the stubby Swingarm pivot bolts, I might as well do these other things as well...
Jan 6th. This bird has been bone stock cept for removing some pucks from the primary and removing the middle skid spring.

Good bye Torque limiting system.. Only AD Boivan would use the most complicated solution to the simplest problem of belts breaking.. and then make a sticker on your hood shouting about it!

So I took off all this...

And put on all this.. Do you know who makes what?

oh yeah.. the 151" x 16" x 2.5" paddles from the 08/09 XP's; plus a Used $75 table saw to make it fit!

finally got to cut the zip tie that held the carbs off the stock jackshaft.. sledr2's work fixed that!

Decided to cut some weight by puttting a 1/8th" groove into my left frame plate... saved .006 OZ's and 20% structual intregrity reduction!

LH frame doubler and strut.. The strut completes a triangle... Nice work, I like triangles.

RH frame doubler.. I had to drill a new set of holes, the end one would of gone right thru my can. TLKPRD!!!!!

Off Road rider's advice to put the drive shaft in the freezer - Zero dollars.
Wifes reaction to this pic - "Is that OUR freezer?" - Priceless.

Sledr2 put my SnoWest SN on the bar risers.
Sure glad my SN wasn't "Fart Face" or "Dill Weed"... actually, Dill Weed would of been cool.

Tiny Tach nestles right in the new risers...

151" extension w/ 8" big wheel by sledr2..

entire 151" skid w/ anti stab installed.
New Hifax is about 5 inches longer than the 136"

This took about 4 hours of my life (damn beers!)
This sure stinks!

1/2 way Done!

The motor of the saw (I just picked it up used) got REAL hot and quit spinning 3/4's of the way thru the cutting, thought I toasted it. Then I noticed this little yellow plug that said "Oil". Some 10-W40 and you idiot! later, all was good.

No officer, that stench you smell is NOT a Meth Lab!, This is called "Track Cutting". Phew, that was close!

My Stock 136 is 12 3/8" wide

I was shooting for about 12 7/8"s wide to be safe. Ended up 12 3/4's.. No 14" wide Mo-Fo, but I'll take it.

Most important part, it is 1 7/16" from the window on both sides.. even steven.

Side by side of 136 and 151

Good idea TLKPRD for suggesting cardboard to help put the track driver in, this plastic I had left over from padding the tank contact points worked even better...

the recommended longer swingarm bolts were hard to come by (what else is new)

It fits!

All bolted tight...
looks tuff w/out the flap.

Tight in there!

Best upgrade for the buck!
My 600 ALWAYS overheated, just doubled up my bungees 2 years ago and never a problem since!

Gas tank was worn half way thru at body connections.. dense plastic pads to stop it from getting worse.

SKIDOO part # 570 135 100 "Radiator Reservoir Grommet" - Why does it not suprise me that this is the gas tank grommet?

Gas tank quick release connecter from SHA

Artic cat secondary; all small pucks gone from salad bowl

Now back to the thread title.. I'm one link to short!! AARRGGHHH!!! off to the parts store AGAIN. I geared it down to 14/30 from stock 28/56 so the Lil' ol' 600 can keep the 151 spinning!

Tony always asks my why I call the 05 600's the Van Halen Model..
Exhibit one:

Exhibit two:

One more day!
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