The Ultimate In Irony: Semi Hauling Snowmobiles Gets Stuck On Beartooth Highway

News Matt Hoffman |

The Beartooth Pass is closed, and not just because the signs say so. 

Wyoming officials rescued a semi-truck driver and a passenger who were stuck in snow Friday on Highway 212, the iconic mountain road between Red Lodge and Cooke City that closes seasonally. 

The driver traveled north on Wyoming Highway 296, commonly known as the Chief Joseph Highway, following a route from his GPS, according to a social media post from the Wyoming Highway Patrol. That road, which also traverses steep mountain areas, is plowed through the year and open depending on conditions. 

But the driver turned east when hitting Highway 212, traveling toward Red Lodge. From its junction with the Chief Joseph Highway, the Beartooth Highway rises from about 7,150 feet to 10,947 feet in altitude—almost 3,800 feet—before descending into Red Lodge. 

Read the rest of the story here:

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