Animals … What They Have To Do With Snowmobiling


The American Council of Snowmobile Associations ( has sent out some information on two different animals (one mammal and one bird) and what they might have to do with snowmobiling.


The Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) has given the U.S. Department of Interior (DOI) a 60-day pre-suit notice of intent to file a suit forcing DOI to decide whether to list the wolverine as endangered or threatened.

Unfortunately the DOI is in violation of the timing requirements of the Endangered Species Act which require a decision be made whether to list the species within 12 months of issuing its proposed rule for listing the wolverine (which occurred in 2016 following an adverse court decision).   

ACSA filed comments opposing the wolverine listing and will continue to follow this closely. ACSA will continue to work to defeat the wolverine listing and ensure policy makers recognize the fact that snowmobiles DO NOT harm wolverines. 

Sage Grouse

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has quietly extended the deadline to file protests of planned revisions to Obama-era greater sage grouse conservation plans by six days. This extension comes after numerous conservation groups complained that the ongoing government shutdown had hampered their ability to file challenges.

The deadline was changed recently on BLM's sage grouse national project website from Jan. 9 to Jan. 15 for plans covering parts of Colorado, Idaho, Oregon and Utah.

The deadline in Wyoming—home to one-third of the bird's remaining population—was extended to Jan. 28.

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