Beacons and Batteries

The last defense from an ice grave

Published in the October 2018 Issue February 2019 Feature Steve Janes

10 Simple Rules To Follow

  1. Use alkaline batteries … and never use rechargeable batteries.
  2. Always test battery life before you leave your house.
  3. If battery life is below 50 percent, change them.
  4. Wear your beacons close to your body. First, it will keep the beacon a little warmer; second, your buddies will want to find your body, not your beacon.
  5. Make certain your beacon is working before the ride … and make certain it is turned on before you put it on your body (don’t try to scrimp on battery life by waiting until you are at the mountain to turn it on … you’ll likely forget).
  6. Remove batteries from beacons at the end of the season to prevent corrosion.
  7. If you are changing your beacon batteries, change all of them.
  8. Don’t mix batteries brands.
  9. If your beacon is going to be exposed to extreme temperatures or pressure changes (like when you’re traveling by air), remove your batteries from your beacon.
  10. Make sure your riding buddies are also aware of these rules … after all, they would most likely be the ones searching for you.
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