possible causes of overheating snowmobile clutch
Q Last year, I burned through my clutch. During the summer, I put in a new advanced clutch from Team, and new springs and weights. Lately I have been hearing a rattling noise so I decided to check my clutch. When I did I saw that the clutch is starting to overheat again. Is this typical for the IQ chassis? What could be some quick fixes for this? – RMK_Pro-23
A Without knowing more information, it’s hard to say what’s going on in the clutches. But, the IQ chassis is NOT usually hard on clutches. The most common items that can cause heat problems are clutch mis-alignment, wrong center-to-center distance, worn or bad rollers and bushings (since the driven is new, I assume it would be in the drive clutch), improper calibration for the sled or conditions or elevation it is being used at. Clutching will give tell-tale signs of what is wrong? First, I would look at the clutches and see if there are any odd belt tracks (rubber deposits on the clutch sheaves). Then I would see if the sled is pulling the proper peak rpm. And I would see if there are any other odd traits to the way it shifts. The clutch alignment, and offset must be checked and set if necessary. Belt-to-sheave clearance and belt deflection should also be checked and corrected as necessary. Don’t forget about worn or broken motor mounts as these can allow the engine to flex or move putting the clutches out of alignment, reducing the center-to-center distance and increasing belt deflection. Performance would be substantially reduced, clutch heat would be increased and belt life would be decreased. A little time spent on clutch maintenance or motor mounts can save hundreds in repairs and belts. – Jerry Matthews, Starting Line Products