The fresh snow coating the higher elevations all across Idaho and many parts of the West created quite a buzz at the 2015 Idaho Snowmobile Show, which started today in Boise, ID.
The most common phrase heard at the snow show today was, “Well, that’s a good start,” referring to the few inches to several feet of snow that has fallen already in many places in the West.
And hundreds of sledders went to the Idaho Snowmobile show to see the latest sleds to ride that new snow, gear they could use while riding, places where they could ride and what the latest parts there are to bolt on, strap to or attach to their sled. There is plenty to choose from at the show.
In you missed it today, don’t worry, there is one more day left. The Idaho Snowmobile Show runs from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday.
The show is sponsored by SnoWest Magazine, the Idaho State Snowmobile Association, Allstate Insurance, WPS, Fly Racing and Ultimax Belts.