If there is one thing we came away with from the Idaho Snowmobile Show from today crowd was the anticipation of the upcoming snowmobile season. We told you yesterday the most common phrase heard at the snow show was, “Well, that’s a good start,” referring to the few inches to several feet of snow that has fallen already in many places in the West.
Today, we heard that again and again but with the added words of, “I’m ready for it,” and “I can’t wait to go riding.”
Neither can we.
And there is nothing like a snowmobile show to get you revved up for the snow that is going to come. We know it is.
So with the Idaho Snowmobile Show, which is sponsored by SnoWest Magazine, the Idaho State Snowmobile Association, Allstate Insurance, WPS, Fly Racing and Ultimax Belts, in the books for another year, we can turn our attention to riding.