The U.S. Forest Service will hold a meeting Nov. 2 in La Grande, OR, to discussion a way forward for the Blue Mountains Forest Plan Revision and specifically what access will look like under that plan.
Snowmobilers and other powersports lovers should attend this meeting and speak out against the restriction of motorized access to our public lands.
The message is clear, any forest plan revision that restricts open motorized access to the Wallowa-Whitman and Malheur National Forest, and that also does not reinstate open motorized use to the Umatilla National Forest is unacceptable to the local residents of that region.
Please, if you are free on Monday night Nov. 2, please attend this meeting and help others help you defend your right to enjoy you public lands openly and freely.
Meeting Date/Time
Monday, Nov. 2 from 6-9 p.m.
Meeting Topic/Host
Wallowa-Whitman National Forest
Meeting Location
Armory, 404 12th St., LaGrande, OR