Remember way back on Monday of this week when we said, “With a hint of snow—okay maybe it’s more like a definite threat—in Boise, ID, as we get closer to the weekend that seems like the perfect time to have a snowmobile show.”? Well that threat turned out to be about six inches of new snow which coated the Treasure Valley and helped set the stage for this year’s Idaho Snowmobile Show.
Despite the frigid and snowy conditions, plenty of sledding aficionados showed up to see the newest sleds, scan the latest aftermarket products, see a place or two to ride their sleds and just catch up with friends at Idaho Expo.
Here are some scenes from today’s first day of the Idaho Snowmobile Show, sponsored by SnoWest Magazine, Allstate Insurance, MotorFist, Western Power Sports, Ultimax Belts and, of course, the Idaho State Snowmobile Association.
Tomorrow we do it all again. The show starts at 10 a.m. and ends at 6 p.m.