washington state parks and recreation to hold planning workshop for the public
The public is invited to participate in a workshop Wednesday, July 26, to finalize an interim plan for managing trail use at Mount Spokane State Park.
The Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission will hold the workshop from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Mount Spokane High School cafeteria, 6015 E. Mount Spokane Park Drive in Mead.
State Parks employees will present details of the draft interim trail use plan. There will be time for public comment.
The main purpose of the plan is to address pressing trail-related issues, such as reducing impact on park natural and cultural resources, ensuring visitor safety and avoiding any increase in trail user conflicts.
Current plans include temporary closure of several single-track trails to cycling, equestrian and/or pedestrian uses until trail repairs can be made. Winter snowmobile use in the park may also be modified, so State Parks can improve its enforcement of rules requiring snowmobiles to stay on trails or in designated areas.
Mount Spokane State Park has more than 60 miles of single-track trails, almost 49 miles of primitive roadways, 15 miles of groomed Nordic track ski trails and 50 miles of groomed snowmobile trails in and adjacent to the park.