international snowmobile council presents the nina smith achievement awards

Many of us considered her the "First Lady of Snowmobiling" because of her passion for the sport that spanned 16 years.

She died unexpectedly on Nov. 1, 1989 and this Award is her legacy to recognize those associations and organizations that do an outstanding job at promoting snowmobiling.

She was a gutsy lady that overcame numerous political and environmental challenges and set the benchmark for each of us to attain. She was successful because of her uncommon ability to compromise no major issues. In her own words, "We will be fair... and everyone will be a winner. That's what it is all about."

This grassroots volunteer was appointed to the National Park Service Task Force on Snowmobiling, the Regional Steering Committee on the Resource Protection Act, the Bureau of Land Management's Citizen Advisory Council, Missouri River Basin Commission, Rural Areas Development Subcommittee on Recreation in Montana and the Governor's Ad Hoc Committee on Forest Resources.

She was a co-founder of the Montana Snowmobile Association and was that group's first woman president. She served on its public lands committee for ten years and chaired their Land Use Committee and was its delegate to the Western Economic Trade Association meetings for many years.

This warm and gracious lady did not confine her organizational talents solely to Montana, but also worked with the International Snowmobile Council as Montana's delegate, vice chair of the Western Chapter, Co-chair and then its first woman Chair in 1978. She was the first recipient of the International Snowmobile Industry Association's Special Achievement Award.

This year's presentations are from a list of 21 States and Provinces that sent their applications in on time. They include Maine, Massachusetts, Ontario, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Illinois, Manitoba, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Alberta, Arizona, British Columbia, California/Nevada, Idaho, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Wyoming.

From the Northeast Chapter - Massachusetts;
From the Midwest Chapter - Michigan;
From the Western Chapter - Utah.

Then, the Association that Nina would have honored for their outstanding performance in 2000-2001 is the great state of Minnesota.
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