2011 800 hybrid snowmobiles comparison test


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Crossfire cross-ups
This is an aging chassis. Also, after god knows how many years, the side of the cowl continues to bang our knees constantly. The Crossfire is definitely not the best on the trail and is really more of a boondocker or ditch banger. It bridges bumps well, but cornering is not its strong suit, especially with that larger 1.5-inch lugged track. Fit and finish also are not at the same level as many sleds today. Again, it’s about time for a redesign.

Final thoughts
These sleds are more off-trail than on-trail minded. Take a hard look at your riding and if you are mostly on the trail, don’t even think about these machines as you will be happier with something else. However, if you want the best of both the mountain/boondocking world, and the trail life, we still think the new Polaris Switchback Assault is the No. 1 hybrid right now. Both the Crossfire and Renegade have held this honor in the past though so they are both great sleds.
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