Jay Leno "Highlights" Snowmobiling On Tonight Show-Kind Of


Did you see the Tonight Show on Monday night (Dec. 9)? If you missed it, then you missed Jay Leno showing a snowmobile during the Detroit Lions-Philadelphia Eagles NFL game on Sunday.

What you say? A snowmobile in the NFL game? Well, go to www.nbc.com, click on the "Full Episodes" tab and then click on the Tonight Show. Make sure it's the Dec. 9 show. Then go to 5:10 in the show and watch for yourself.

We actually knew about this "joke" earlier on Monday but couldn't say or show anything because we were asked not to spoil the joke. But our friend Chris Fiore (http://mtnx.com/) sent us a couple of pictures of one of his snowmobiles against a green screen, where they shot that little segment. That's the pictures you see with this story.

Thanks Chris for the heads up. Nice to see a snowmobile on TV with millions of people watching.

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