Governor Mead Continues To Push For More Winter Use In Yellowstone


Cheyenne, Wyo. - Wyoming Governor Matt Mead is advocating for a Yellowstone National Park winter-use plan that allows more people to visit the park during the winter. In a second letter to the National Park Service, Governor Mead, said the Park Service's Proposed Rule should be revised to allow for more visitors per day. He continues to advocate for non-commercial snowmobiling.


"As I have said before, and it bears repeating, Yellowstone is a magical place where citizens should be afforded the opportunity to enjoy its natural wonders year-round-summer and winter. Several of Wyoming's communities, which are gateways to Yellowstone, are intimately tied economically to the Park and rely on the National Park Service (NPS) staying true to its mandate of providing the opportunity for citizens to enjoy and benefit from the Park," Governor Mead wrote.


This letter comments on the NPS's Proposed Rule, which contains many positions in the Winter Use Plan and EIS, which the Governor objected to in July.


"I reiterate what I wrote you in July-we can balance protection of the Park's resources and snowmobile access and I am committed to working with you and others to that end," Governor Mead wrote.

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