Destination: West Yellowstone

September 2011 Feature LANE LINDSTROM

Can Stand On Its Own

Because of our experience with West Yellowstone and the surrounding area, we can quite confidently state: There's no doubt West Yellowstone can stand on its own when it comes to spectacular snowmobiling, with or without Yellowstone National Park.

Now we're not throwing Yellowstone under the bus. Far from it. We are just as weary of the debate about snowmobiling in the Park as everyone else. We do think there is a place for snowmobiling in the Park and think everyone who wants the chance to snowmobile there should have that opportunity. If you think Yellowstone is spectacular in the summer, well, you should see it in the winter. It truly is an amazing place.

As we write this, the Park is going through yet another Environmental Impact Study with the National Park Service's recommendation for winter recreation due out later this year. You can stay tuned to as we'll try to keep sledders updated on our website.

Think of the snowmobile debate surrounding Yellowstone this way. If something is that controversial, it's bound to be good. It most certainly is that good.

So while the debate simmers to the east of West, let's focus on what's available outside the Park in the surrounding national forests.

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