SAWS Action Alert: Idaho Wilderness Bill Testimony Was Heard On The Hill Yesterday


(ED-This action alert comes from SAWS.)


Yesterday, Congressman Mike Simpson's (R-ID, 2nd District) latest version of his Central Idaho Economic Development and Recreation Act (CIEDRA) legislation was heard in committee on Capitol Hill.


Attached are Idaho Governor C.L. "Butch" Otter's testimony and Idaho Recreation Council representative Mr. Bill Dart's testimony. Dart did a great job on behalf of recreationists. Governor Otter requested his testimony be entered as part of the official record. Please read them both, as they contain a wealth of information.


SAWS has been dealing with various incarnations of CIEDRA almost since its inception.  It has been going to Congress since 2002. This year brings the best chance CIEDRA has for passing yet, given the current makeup of Congress and the fact that both Idaho Senators introduced CIEDRA to the Senate. This means we have to put our best foot forward in putting a stop to it. 


CIEDRA will lock up approximately 330,000 acres of Wilderness, land that is already protected from development by the Sawtooth National Recreation Area and the Idaho Roadless Rule. This land contains some of the best mountain snowmobiling area in Idaho and the western U.S. and we stand to lose it if this bill passes.


There are two quick things to do:


1. Please call and/or e-mail Senator Risch (R-ID). The message doesn't have to be long or complicated-"Idaho already has 4.5 million acres of Wilderness, we don't need any more." Or "The Boulder White Cloud Mountains are already well managed and protected as part of the Sawtooth National Recreation Area. Leave them as they are." Or "Wilderness does not protect the land it simply eliminates access to the people who have been responsibly using these mountains for decades" or "CIEDRA is not a recreation bill; it is an anti-recreation bill" or whatever else you want to share.


Be polite, deliver the message and leave your name and phone number or e-mail address.


This needs to be done this week so don't put it off, act today. This is a time when numbers matter. Be assured that those who support the legislation are making lots of contacts.  Please act today and pass the message around.


Boise:                      (208) 342-7985

Coeur d'Alene:         (208) 667-6130

Idaho Falls:              (208) 523-5541

Lewiston:                 (208) 743-0792

Pocatello:                 (208) 236-6817

Twin Falls:                (208) 734-6780


E-mail link:


2. Governor Otter's testimony on CIEDRA is incredible and we need to thank him.  Please send a note to and tell her much we appreciate his letter and how important his involvement in this issue is.


This alert is not just for Idahoans, these are OUR Public Lands! 


A big shout out to the Idaho Recreation Council and Blue Ribbon Coalition for their contributions to this alert.

Senate Bill 3294 (pdf)
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