A Mother's Day Gift That Keeps Giving


In one way or another we have all been or are currently affected by breast cancer. It may be a friend, a family member or even a co-worker who has been diagnosed with the life-threatening disease, but regardless of who has been affected, this is your chance to make a difference in their fight.


Slednecks is making a special Mother's Day offer to everyone who is willing to show their support. Beginning today and continuing until Monday, May 10 Slednecks is offering fans a free copy of the Minor Details DVD, starring Slednecks team rider and mother Misti Hurst. Check out her update on www.slednecks.com "Catching Up with Misti Hurst."

How does this help you might ask? Well, in addition to giving you a free copy of the DVD, if you decide to purchase another item Slednecks will donate 25 percent of the merchandise proceeds to benefit the Pink Ribbon Riders, a group of snowmobile and motorsports enthusiasts who volunteer their time and effort to help those who have been affected by breast cancer.

Here's how you get your free DVD and make a difference in someone's life.

Simply head to http://shop.slednecks.com and select Slednecks DVDs, then choose Minor Details, and then hit BUY NOW. This will take you to the "Basket" where at the top you will read "If you have a promotion code, please enter it here." Type in "MOMSDAY" in the box and click on submit. You will see below that the promotion code has been accepted. That's it. If you choose to help Slednecks raise donations, click "Continue Shopping" and 25 percent of your purchase will go to benefit the Pink Ribbon Riders.  

Rules, yes they suck, but Slednecks is offering only one DVD per household. You are responsible for the shipping costs associated with receiving the free DVD and any other products purchased.  

If you have any questions or would like to order by phone, call (928) 526-3705 during business hours (M-F 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Arizona Standard Time) to reach the rider support lines.

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