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Riding buddies from hell

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Well-known member
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Feb 2, 2011
Idaho Falls, ID
I'm one of those guys that relys on being invited to go riding, so I do everything I can not end up as a story on threads like this. One of the groups I've rode with, rode above my current level, which I let them know about and try to help out as much as I can. Which meant walking up hills to help dig them out. I was able to get into the areas they like to ride, but wasn't able to play around like they did, so I stayed close watching them and doing what I mentioned above.
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Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
The short version:

The news that Anna Nicole Smith had died came across the radio about 2 hours into an 8 hour drive..... and I had to hear about Anna Nicole Smith and how great she was and how "passenger" couldn't believe she was dead for the majority of the remainder of the drive! :lalala: I'd ask for it to stop... then her phone would ring and off she'd go on another conversation about Anna Nicole Smith to whomever was on the other line. :kev:

Holy frick... didn't like Anna when she was alive.... but her death about put me over the edge! lol :fear:

Jeff C

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Jul 4, 2001
Mahtomedi, MN
I got one....

About ten years ago I get invited on this "sled" trip with my brother and his buddies who all claim to be these hot shot snowmobilers.

I should have known the trip was going to be a doozey when they showed up and got all pissy because I was swapping my track. They acted like it was going to take all day....but I the skilled mechanic that I am usually do it in 15 minutes.

Of course they thought they would do me a favor by helping...but ended up just slowing down the whole process and pissing me off while doing it.

Well I knew I was going to buy new gear so I decided from the start to just mess with these guys. Grabbed an old duffel bagged stuffed with garbage and threw it on the open trailer. They about crapped themselves when they saw me do it. Trying to strap it down and getting all worried about my stuff. I just waved them off and said it was no problem...but I could see it had gotten to them.

It was a long haul to West Yellow so I of course had the pedal to the metal...even got a speeding ticket..big deal. One of the guys acted like it was a capital offense....as if he had never sped and got caught before?

What did I get myself into????

When we got there I wanted to stop at the local cat shop to gear up. (time to replace that lost "gear" that flew off...lol) Almost no one even wanted to hit the shop up...then when I dropped some coin on new gear...they acted like the money was coming from their wallets...easy boys....its an expensive sport...be prepared to pony up. Shoot it wasn't even expensive..they were having this big sale and I scored everything to ride...including boots for about 7 hundo...score!

Once we got unloaded and ready to ride the real nightmare began. I thought we were here to ride but I guess this just meant traveling to the bar to get wasted. Well when in Rome. Took it a bit far the first night..had a blast but found out the hard way why sledding and drinking do not mix.

After a day of drinking it was time to leave the bar. I was kinda behind because I stayed to make sure we were all paid up before we left...which we weren't. After I settled up I ran outside to see the group taking off over the horizon. I fired up my sled and tried to speed up and catch them...but in my hurry I ran a stop sign and got pulled over by the pokey.

Dammit...DUI Looking back it was a valuable lesson. I mean it cost me a few dollars but it made me realize that drinking and sledding just do not mix. I learned my lesson and no one had to get hurt...just my wallet. I will take those any day.

What really sucked was I had some weed on me...remember this was ten years ago..at the height of the fake war on drugs being put on by the Bush administration. I had just gone thru chemo to remove a cancer mass in my chest. My doctor had prescribed Marijuana after most of the pharmaceutical drugs had just made me sick and unable to eat. The sad part was I had to sneak around to use this natural medicine...or risk being judged by others or even prosecuted by the law. Thankfully legislation has now changed.

But back then it meant another night in jail...fawk.

Once I got out I headed back to the condo only to find out all these guys still wanted to do was drink. Guess it was one guys birthday and the only way he could figure out how to celebrate was to get wasted...yeah. I followed but didn't even drink. The shots were starting to get out of control so I was even taking shots and throwing them over the shoulder...they were all so wasted they didn't even notice.

After a full night of drinking they stumble out of the bar and the lead drunk..."birthday boy" starts spouting off telling everybody how they should ride back to the condo. Ok boozey....they start off...the long way and I head across the lake to take the short cut. Birthday boy gets in a panic because I didn't follow single file behind him...ok. He chases after me but slams into the marina flipping his sled on top of him. I ride up to see him splayed out like a upside down turtle arms and legs swinging in a drunken mess...damn where was my camera.

Funny part was he started blaming me for his actions...haha some peoples kids.

Well you could imagine I wanted this trip over... speeding home I get another ticket,...doh....cheap though to get away faster from the worst riding group ever!!!

I can honestly say that is the most I have ever invested in a trip...with the littlest amount of riding!

Make sure you do a day ride with somebody.....before getting stuck on the road trip from hell like I did!


Bwahahahahahahahahaha!!! That is good! Touche' biotch!


Westbound and down
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Nov 26, 2007
Winnipeg, Manitoba
I've been very fortunate to have a great riding buddy and we've met some great people a long the way. I hope I never end up in one of these threads, but I would make sure the story would be worth it if I did ;)
this was my first year out riding in the mountains. went out twice this year.
first time was awesome.. i surprised all my buddies i went with.. they thought i was going to be a story in this thread..lol.. but i did very good:)

the next time we went out. hit up blue river area and my buddies dad wanted to come so bad. he hasnt been on a sled for over ten years...even offered to pay for the hotels.. so how can you say no..lol

well me make our way up the hill. through the trees and find an open area....
we all stop and have a little chit chat. then realize that my buddies dad is gone... no idea where he is....

we ride around some trees to find my buddies dads brothers brand new doo 800 totalled and in pieces at the bottom of a face and we look up and see him half way up the mountain..

i guess he wanted to do some hill climbing.....

it didnt really ruin our day.. we were pretty pissed off(once we found out he was ok)
he sat on his brothers pile of sled for 5 hours while we rode:)
turned out to be a great weekend..lol...

all he said to us was wow these sleds have more power then i remember....


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Nov 28, 2007
These stories are why I ride with only my brother and family.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 27, 2007
Red Lodge MT to North, CO
There are some reasons why I don't ride with family, but my dad will always have someone to ride with, even if I am the only one that will. His back isn't great and he still tries to get himself unstuck, I continually tell him to let me do it all (back when he rode, he rode to the full extent). He hasent been on a sled in over 10 years and I put him on my piped m1000, I don't think he knew what to do and was stuck often (sticky wet snow) once he went to turn around by climbing a small hill and didn't anticipate the ride height and suspension of the newer sled and rolled it. If it would have been anyone else it might have been a story, but being my dad it was one of the best rides I've had in 10 years. Hoping we can find the right doc to fix up his back and rehabilitate it so I can take him everyday if he wants.

I guaranty if he can get his back working again he is capable of tearing it up.
Nov 26, 2007
Elko, NV.
I've been on a few rides where I actually found a great use for my GPS. when you look upslope and see some "knothead" in your group stuck for the third time in one hour, you simply mark his approximate location on your GPS. A few hours later on the way back to the truck you "Go To" the buried knothead or knotheads, gather them up and head home. What a fantastic invention, actually have used it several times.:tea: Another thing crossed my mind, make sure you mark them for what or who they really are so you don't forget, 6 digit maximum I believe, such as: dipsht, hlples, hdicap, numnut, lrdazz, airhed, dumfck, catrdr, doordr, knthd1, knthd2, knthd3, so on so forth.
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Well-known member
Premium Member
Dec 24, 2007
in the shadow of the Rubies, Nevada
I've been on a few rides where I actually found a great use for my GPS. when you look upslope and see some "knothead" in your group stuck for the third time in one hour, you simply mark his approximate location on your GPS. A few hours later on the way back to the truck you "Go To" the buried knothead or knotheads, gather them up and head home. What a fantastic invention, actually have used it several times.:tea: Another thing crossed my mind, make sure you mark them for what or who they really are so you don't forget, 6 digit maximum I believe, such as: dipsht, hlples, hdicap, numnut, lrdazz, airhed, dumfck, catrdr, doordr, knthd1, knthd2, knthd3, so on so forth.

Scotty... all I wanna get outta this thread is.... whats MY 6 digit name?:face-icon-small-ton:second:
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Well-known member
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Nov 29, 2007
There are some reasons why I don't ride with family, but my dad will always have someone to ride with, even if I am the only one that will. His back isn't great and he still tries to get himself unstuck, I continually tell him to let me do it all (back when he rode, he rode to the full extent). He hasent been on a sled in over 10 years and I put him on my piped m1000, I don't think he knew what to do and was stuck often (sticky wet snow) once he went to turn around by climbing a small hill and didn't anticipate the ride height and suspension of the newer sled and rolled it. If it would have been anyone else it might have been a story, but being my dad it was one of the best rides I've had in 10 years. Hoping we can find the right doc to fix up his back and rehabilitate it so I can take him everyday if he wants.

I guaranty if he can get his back working again he is capable of tearing it up.

Reading this I just couldn't help but think about the rides my dad and I went on. Although I have been on some awesome "off trail" rides, my favorite rides are those I was able to go on with my dad.....all trail rides. He had a bad back, it is much better now, but still too risky to ride a sled. I have had some great sledding memories, but the trail rides with my dad will always be at the top of my list.

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